Monday, December 5, 2011

Balance means More...

Than standing on one leg without toppling over... Although, I commend anyone who can or has the heart to try. At an Ayurveda workshop this weekend I was told something that I feel is very significant to me at this time in life.

"Find the balance between resolve and compassion."

When I quit my sales job 4 months ago to pursue becoming a yoga teacher I knew that change was on the horizon. What I didn't know was just how much I was bound to transform in such a short period of time. Throughout this experience I have not only been learning yoga, but a whole new language (Sanskrit), a new spiritual connection, new information about food, spices, oils, beauty products, anatomy, alignment, adjustments, massage, ethics... The realm of "yoga teacher" is so much more than the asanas (the poses). I have had to stop myself several times and remind myself to breathe. Let it sink in. Give the brain and body time to process... My determination for learning all of these new things has, at times, left me feeling a bit inadequate. Feeling as though I could be studying harder, learning faster, practicing longer... Resolve, resolve, resolve. This small piece of wisdom couldn't have come at a better time for me.

For me, finding the balance between my resolve and compassion doesn't come easy. I am my very hardest critic. I believe, however, that moving forward and being able to integrate this into my life will only make me a better teacher. Give me the knowledge and personal experience to empathize with my future students who may feel similarly to myself at this phase of my training.

High- 5's, Breath & Namaste,


Friday, December 2, 2011

Soy Eggnog Cheesecake

1 part boredom and 2 parts curiosity led me to take a shot at baking this gem tonight. I've never baked a cheesecake before and note the "soy." When I began on my yoga journey I was, to put it one way, a meaty-saurous. The first yama or limb of yoga, however, is "ahimsa." Loosely translated it means "do no harm." This pertains to humans and animals so I have taken the beginning steps towards living a vegetarian lifestyle which includes making an effort to eliminate all animal products. It's a process but I am always trying new things so I find it exciting and beneficial to my health.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blogging is for Bloggers...

And I suppose that this post would now make me a blogger. I don't know what motivated me to finally jump on the bandwagon but if I had to guess I would say it was sheer curiosity. I see a lot of success stories coming from people who say things like: "5 years ago I didn't know what turn my life was going to take as I clicked the publish button." I figure, hey, I'm a writer... kind of. I've had a lot of interesting things happen in my life... maybe I should just start writing it out. If for no one else than just myself. A reflection tool. I don't strive to be someone who only writes about their daily lives... but I guess I'll see where the keyboard takes me.

I chose the blog name GoYogaNevitable because it speaks to me.

Go: because I believe that the best way to live is actively. Don't settle, don't get stagnant, keep moving, keep learning... don't know where to start? Just let your imagination go there and then GO!
Yoga: because yoga has inspired me to forget about all the past, present and future illusions I had about who "I am" and challenged me to still my heart and my intentions in an effort to discover what my true Self and purpose really is. The moment I stopped doing things that didn't serve me and submerged my life in yoga I became the happiest I've ever been.
Nevitable: for all the things in life that have been, are and will continue to be inevitable.

I feel that my blogs will consist of the above 3 ideas, mostly. Things that make me tick, things that yoga has inspired me to share and all the things that happen inevitably.

High 5's- Breath & Namaste,
